For my inaugural post, I decided to write about my current life-thieving obsession, Afternoon Records.
Let me start by saying that if record labels were rated on a scale of whether or not I wanted to have sex with them, Afternoon Records would be my #1 crush. Every boy on this label looks like the guys I fail at hitting on in bars, and all the girls look like the chicks that end up taking those guys home at the end of the night. Everyone is foxy in that self-aware yet haphazard style that can only be cultivated by nights sleeping in the van and thrift store shopping.
But beyond my creeper crushing, the music on Afternoon Records is stellar, through and through. I own records from four of the artists on the label, and plan on purchasing more as my music budget allows. I listen to these albums A LOT.
The thing that I think is so endearing about Afternoon Records is that it’s witty, fun, and some of the most accessible music out there today. There’s music to shake your ass to when glamming up for a night out (The Battle Royale), There’s music to listen to when you’ve graduated college and feel that tickle of uncertainty about life (One For The Team), and something to make out to (Haley Bonar).
Afternoon Records is the brain-child of Ian Anderson, a guy who graduated high school the same year I did, and who has a lot more to show for himself since then. I’ve read interviews and reviews with Ian that call him “The hardest working man in Minneapolis” among other things that tell to his tireless work ethic. He runs Afternoon Records, Say
Rah Records, writes for my favorite Music Blog, MinneapolisFuckingRocks, and plays in various bands. And, on top of all of those wonderful things—he’s effing adorable. Case and point; I ordered a copy of “Good Boys Don’t Make Noise” by One For The Team, and when it arrived, it had a little pink heart post-it stuck to the cover with a little message from Ian.
{Thanks Mary! Hope you like it! -Ian}
I, of course, still have the post it, and think it’s the little touches like that that sets Afternoon Records apart.
Give all these kids a listen—you won’t be disappointed. There’s something on this label for every taste, both musically and aesthetically, (everyone is so damn CUTE!) so here, links meant for clicking and videos meant for watching:
Haley Bonar Music Video for "Devilish Man":
The Most current Afternoon Records update video:
I hope you enjoy Afternoon Records as much as I do!!
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